, pub-8260164757000075, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 A peace agreement was reached between Israel and Palestine

A peace agreement was reached between Israel and Palestine

A peace agreement was reached between Israel and Palestine

Amman: An agreement has been reached between Israel and Palestine, according to which Israel will not approve the settlement of any new settlements for the next 6 months.

The agreement, according to the World News Agency, also states that Israel must stop building illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank for six months and that there would be no negotiations on the establishment of any additional settlement units for four months. 

During the talks in Jordan, Israeli and Palestinian officials also pledged to implement joint measures to reduce the escalating violence in the country and discussed strategies to deal with potential tensions during Ramadan.

It should be remembered that during the month of Ramadan, Muslims from all over the world come to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in large numbers to worship, so in the last decade, the entry of Jews is prohibited, but the extremist Jews do not accept this restriction and enter the mosque, which causes tension. And the tension increases.

The host nation, Jordan, as well as Egypt and the United States considered these agreements an essential step towards re-establishing and deepening relations between the two sides, according to a joint statement made following the discussions.

The meeting between Israeli and Palestinian officials and their agreement on the deal, according to White House National Security Advisor John Sullivan, is seen as the first step towards a lasting peace, he added.

In their joint statement, the parties also pledged to meet again the following month in order to work towards a secure and prosperous future for both Israel and Palestine.

Hamas, meanwhile, denounced the deal between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, claiming it would be useless. The situation in the area won't alter as a result of this agreement.

On the other hand, Fatah, the government of Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, defended the agreement and claimed that despite the suffering and killings of the Palestinian people, the choice to attend the meeting in Aqaba is a sign of the desire to put an end to the bloodshed.

Bezalel Smutrich, the Israeli Finance Minister who is also in charge of managing Israeli settlements in the West Bank, promptly said that he would not be bound by any deal to halt settlement construction.

"I don't know what happened in Jordan, but one thing I know is that the construction and development of settlements will not stop for a day," Bezalel Smutrich added.

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