, pub-8260164757000075, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cases of child abuse, what is the solution?

Cases of child abuse, what is the solution?

Cases of child abuse, what is the solution?

Citizens were worried and afraid of the punishment of looting and killings in Karachi, but now the cases of child abuse are also increasing. A few days ago, Masoom Fareeha mysteriously disappeared in an area called Data Nagar in Karachi. A campaign to find him started on social media, announcements were also made in mosques. The girl's missing report was filed at Bin Qasim police station. The police also continued to search but after three days, Fariha's tortured body was found in a nearby drain.

The day after this sad incident, another beast was trying to target an innocent girl in the area of Ibrahim Haidari, but due to the screams of the girl, he failed and was caught.

There is an alarming rise in child abuse cases across the country. Zainab, Ferishta, Fareeha and Najane, how many such incidents have torn sensitive hearts and how many incidents will happen which have not been reported or have not reached us thanks to social media. What is the cause of these incidents and how to prevent them? Remember, no normal person can do such movements. The people involved in such crimes are either mentally ill or are beasts beyond the level of humanity.

We have to take practical steps to protect innocent children from such beasts. First of all, parents and teachers should make children aware that they should not go anywhere with any unknown person under any circumstances and if someone tries to force them, make a noise. Children should also be made aware of the parts of the body where it would be unsafe for anyone other than the parents to touch them. Remember that no one in the neighborhood or acquaintances can be safe for your children. Such persons are often found involved in cases of abuse, so parents or older siblings should be responsible for picking up children from school. Children should not be allowed to play alone in the streets. Monitor them yourself. Similarly, do not send young children alone to markets or shops. All these precautions are to be taken by the parents, but what is the duty of the institutions and the government?

Whatever one may think about the police department, they are trying to prevent such incidents. The police force needs to be made more active and equipped with advanced technology, and provide scientific-based training for quick arrest of such criminals.

The government and the legislative bodies must now think whether the punishments for crimes against children included in the country's laws are sufficient to prevent such crimes. Mere speeches or condemnation in the assembly will not solve these issues. Implementation of Islamic punishments for perpetrators of child abuse is inevitable. Wolves involved in such crimes should be stoned to death in public so that fear of law and punishment can be imposed.

The example of the society we are living in is half partridge and half quail. We are neither fully Islamic nor independent like European countries. We have many means of inducing sexual promiscuity, but it is often misunderstood. We have to change this society with incomplete ideas now. Undoubtedly, Islam is a complete religion. The protection of the people in this society, especially the minor children, is to establish an Islamic system in the country. The punishments for crimes in Islam, if they are meted out to even a few, can help in deterring crimes. With the establishment of an Islamic society, sexual immorality will decrease and by imagining the Islamic punishments, even the beastly people will refrain from trampling a flower.

The victims of such incidents question the authorities above, why did this happen to anyone else after us? And will any innocent be a victim of a beast in the future? Judiciary, concerned institutions and rulers have to take the final decision now. We have to start with this case to stop child abuse. This time the rulers have to change the punishment despite all the Western pressure. The lives of all the little angels of the country can be saved by making a lesson to the brutal people involved in the incident.

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