, pub-8260164757000075, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dengue Prevention Plan Prepared Around Rawalpindi

Dengue Prevention Plan Prepared Around Rawalpindi

Dengue Prevention Plan Prepared Around Rawalpindi

ISLAMABAD: To battle the potential resurgence of dengue and stop the spread of this lethal disease, the Rawalpindi district health department has implemented a number of anti-dengue measures.

According to the officials, the localities of Potohar and Chaklala Cantt, which are anticipated to become dengue hubs, will soon be under rigorous supervision. Also, the training of the 2000 and 1360 regular Dinghi employees who are paid daily has been finished. This preparation was made in light of the dengue outbreaks from the previous year.

The strategy, known as the Dengue Microplan, covers the Potohar districts that are vulnerable to dengue outbreaks, including Garja Union Council, Chak Jalal Deen, Dhamial, Kalyal, Renala, and Chaklala. Also, it was agreed to declare the entire area sensitive even in the event of a single incident.

On the other hand, the same micro plan also includes properly spraying away dengue mosquitoes and their larvae. On the other hand, a campaign against dengue will be run in each of the districts of Rawalpindi's seven union councils.

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