, pub-8260164757000075, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The people are with me don't need establishment, Imran Khan

The people are with me don't need establishment, Imran Khan

The people are with me don't need establishment, Imran Khan

Lahore: PTI Chairman Imran Khan has said that I do not need establishment. In an interview to the British Broadcasting Agency, Chairman PTI said he only wanted to hold elections in the country and is ready to talk to anyone but he does not need crutches. Not invited Shahbaz Sharif.

Imran Khan said that the statement was going on that I would like to talk to the Army Chief. I don't need establishment. The party with which the people of the country do not need crutches. I am a political man I will talk to everyone except thieves.

Imran Khan said that the attitude of the establishment did not matter for us. We were made cases during General Bajwa's time. Earlier, senior people have never been tortured during detention. Thought the new chief would come and change would come, but the hardships had increased.

He said that Imran Khan said that the Supreme Court ordered the election in 90 days. The President also announced but when we hold an election rally, the police come. Vehicles were broken. Water cannons were used and people were arrested. The caretaker government's job is to hold elections. How can they stop If elections are to be held, how are the elections without election campaigns and rally?

Earlier in an interview to a foreign channel, Imran Khan said that the government did not want to hold elections because PTI won in 30 of the 37 by -elections. PTI is the most popular party in the history of the country and the government and its supporters, fearing its popularity, want to disqualify or arrest me.

Imran Khan added that my life is in danger because the people who tried to kill me are in power. The question is, how do I run the election campaign in these situations and how do I appear in the courts? Three times appeared in the courts, but unfortunately there was no security arrangement.

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